November 14, 2004 -- The Singdao Daily

“Still a Chance For Chinese Wushu to Appear at Beijing Olympics”

Recently there has been news indicating that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has rejected the Chinese Olympic Committee's application to add Wushu to the Olympics, and that Wushu will not appear in the 2008 Beijing Olympic competitions. However, the Chinese Wushu Association San Da department director, Mr. Guorong Chen, indicated that there are still two opportunities to get Wushu into the Beijing Olympics. Things may change.

Could you be added to the 300 minor categories as a “special category”?

Guorong Chen says, “According to the IOC's rules, the Olympic games can only have 28 “major” categories and 300 “minor” categories of sports. The major sport categories have been selected, but the 300 minor categories have not. The IOC will decide the minor categories at the end of this year and next July. The minor categories include the host country's special category. Therefore, it's too early to say Wushu will not appear in the 2008 Olympics. China will be the host country that year. There are past examples of a host country having their favorite sport listed as a special item. Wushu could be in the same situation.”

The latest we'll know is by July 2005.

“Also,” said Guorong Chen, “The vice-leader of the Chinese Physical Education Department became the chairman of the International Wushu Association, and is a committee member of the IOC. This increases our chances of adding Wushu to the Olympics. Our opinions and perspectives are delivered more directly than before. At the same time, we can receive feedback from the IOC members promptly.”

According to the schedule, the IOC will have a meeting in December to discuss a proposal for adding Wushu to the 2008 Olympics. If everything goes well, Wushu could be added to the roster of Olympic sports this December. If the proposal is rejected, this is not the final word on the matter. In July 2005, the IOC will have a committee meeting to finalize all of the 300 minor sports. The earliest we may know more about this matter will be no sooner than December 2004, and the latest will be July 2005.


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